Tender fraudsters: the official position of the company

Tender fraudsters: the official position of the company
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

If there is an interested legal entity or individual entrepreneur, then he receives a proposal on the need to purchase a certificate of conformity for the supplied product or service. The employee explains that this certificate is a requirement of the company. We inform you that ABH Miratorg has nothing to do with these persons or companies.

Now “in use” among fraudsters is a document under the abbreviation STO FSS.004.0.07-2021, other nomenclature numbers are possible. IT confirms that you have used an audit by a third-party "certified organization" that will document that you are a bona fide counterparty. This “certificate” costs less than the paper it is printed on – Miratorg does not include it or similar documents in the list of requirements for participation in its tenders Miratorg is not alone in using the company’s authoritative name industrial-scale fraud scheme to take money from small and medium-sized businesses.

The essence of the scheme of work of scammers is simple:

- you are offered to take part in the tender;
- you are informed that you won it;
- you are offered to pay for a certain document on your own, it can have any name. But the essence is the same, an audit of your company on the topic of the decency of your business;
– this document will have many references and references on the Internet. Do not be confused by their volume, they all lead to scammers;
- you pay for a non-existent service and legally give money to scammers;
- the tender is fictitious, and has no real relation to the work;
- the tender is plausible, it is difficult to distinguish it from the real one.

It is very easy not to fall for deception - check the email address from which you receive a request to participate in the auction. Large companies send requests only from corporate mail, the domain of which can be found on the official websites in the "Contacts" section.

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