Dicroceliosis in cattle


Cattle dicroceliosis  is a parasitic disease common in the steppe, forest-steppe and semi-desert regions of the Russian Federation. The peak occurs in the spring-summer period, and infection occurs mainly during open grazing. With significant infestations and lack of timely treatment, death is possible. The disease is also dangerous for other farm animals (dicroceliosis of ruminants is isolated) and humans.


The disease is a consequence of infection with trematodes  Dicrocoelium lanceatum,  reaching a length of 1.2 cm. The carriers of their eggs are ants and mollusks (most often snails) that live in pastures. Wild animals can also be carriers and distributors. The eggs are released into the external environment along with secretions. Cows swallow them with grass.

In the body, dicrocoelia are localized in the liver. Over the course of 1.5-3 months, they go through several stages of development, lay eggs in the bile ducts, and then colonize the intestines.

Symptoms of dicroceliosis in cattle

With minor infestations, the disease is chronic and can remain asymptomatic for years. Signs of its transition to the acute stage appear as the degree of infection increases and with weakened immunity of animals. Adults are most often affected.

There are no characteristic symptoms. Manifestations of the acute form are similar to those of other helminth infestations. As a rule, the development of the disease occurs gradually with an increase in symptoms:

  • individuals lose weight, young animals gain IT poorly;

  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted - diarrhea alternates with constipation;

  • mucous membranes acquire a yellowish tint;

  • anemia is observed;

  • swelling occurs on the chest and peritoneum;

  • cows' Milk yield decreases;

  • the wool is brittle, dull;

  • Often individuals fall into coma.



To determine the type of pathogen, intestinal secretions are analyzed using the method of successive washings. A pathological examination reveals:


  • enlarged liver,

  • dilated and inflamed bile ducts;

  • areas of necrosis with a large number of trematodes;

  • accumulation of parasites in the gallbladder.

Treatment of dicroceliosis in cattle

Etiotropic therapy is carried out by deworming. For these purposes, the NITA-FARM company has developed a new generation drug “Rikazol” with 100% bioavailability. It is based on the active ingredient ricobendazole, an active metabolite of albendazole, which has shown 90% effectiveness. Acts against sexually mature trematodes.

The drug is available in the form of an injection solution, ready for use. Its advantage is its wide spectrum of action, so it can be used for the treatment and prevention of most common helminth infestations by trematodes, nematodes, and cestodes. At the same time, ricobendazole has a minimal toxic effect on the animal body , has no side effects and does not cause a local reaction.

Treatment consists of one injection of the drug "Rikazol" intramuscularly. For chronic disease, the dose is 1 ml/12.5 kg of weight. It is also suitable for sheep and goats, making its use economical. The active substance reaches its maximum concentration in the blood 8 hours after injection. Cow's milk can be used after 5 days, Meat - after 30 days.


Deworming of livestock with the drug "Rikazol" should be carried out twice a year - in the spring before moving cattle to pasture and in the fall - before placing them in a stall. Compliance with this requirement , as well as grazing animals on cultivated, treated pastures, will eliminate the risk of invasions.

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