Antibiotics in oil: myth or reality?

Oil is one of the main products in cooking and human nutrition. However, there are many myths and misconceptions about the oil containing antibiotics . Let's see if antibiotics can really be present in oil.
Antibiotics are medications used to fight bacterial infections. They are widely used in medicine to treat various diseases. In animal agriculture, antibiotics are also used to prevent and treat infections in animals raised for Meat and dairy production.
In some cases, farmers may use antibiotics to treat animals that will later produce Milk or cream that will be used to make butter . However, most countries have strict laws and regulations governing the use of antibiotics in livestock to prevent these drugs from ending up in the food supply .
The butter making process also includes a step in purifying and treating the cream or milk, which helps remove any remaining antibiotics and other impurities. Oil producers strictly control the quality of raw materials and the production process to eliminate the possibility of contamination of products with antibiotics.
Thus, the likelihood of antibiotics being present in the oil is extremely low. The correct choice of manufacturer and quality raw materials play an important role in ensuring the safety and quality of products.
IT is important to remember that when choosing food products, it is better to give preference to natural and high-quality products from trusted manufacturers. Proper storage and consumption of oil is also important to ensure safety and maintain its beneficial properties.
Thus, it is safe to say that antibiotics in oil are more a myth than a reality. It is important to monitor the quality of products, choose reliable manufacturers and properly store food to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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