Plastic bracelet


1.For long-term marking.

2. Without inscriptions.

3.For marking cows when kept free-stall.

In agriculture, modern technologies are becoming increasingly important, including in matters of marking and managing animal herds. Plastic leg straps for marking cows have become one of the effective tools that provide not only identification of animals, but also ease of care. Let's look at ten interesting facts about this innovative agricultural device.


1. Identification and Accounting

Plastic leg straps provide a convenient and reliable way to mark cows. Each strap can be uniquely numbered or contain information about the animal, allowing for easy herd counting.

2.Easy to Use

The marking process using ankle straps is simple and quick. The farmer can easily attach the strap to the cow's hind leg, providing a clear and visible marking.

3. High Strength and Durability

Plastic straps are made of high-strength material, which makes them durable and resistant to external factors such as weather and stress during the movement of the animal.

4. Safety for Animals

The smooth surface and ergonomic design of the leg straps minimize the risk of injury or discomfort to cows. This is important to ensure the welfare of the animals and prevent potential Health problems.

5. Color Variety

The straps are available in a variety of colors to allow for a variety of animal identification and classification options. This simplifies herd management and group separation.

6. Moisture resistance

Many ankle straps are water-resistant and easy to clean, allowing for long-lasting use in a variety of climates.

7. Innovative Technologies

Some leg strap models can be equipped with innovative technologies such as electronic tagging chips, making monitoring the health and movements of animals more effective.

8. Saving Resources

The use of plastic foot straps can significantly reduce labeling and accounting costs compared to traditional methods.

9. Application in Various Industries

Cow tagging leg straps are widely used not only in cattle breeding, but also in other industries such as pregnancy diagnostics, research and breeding.

10. Environmental Compatibility

Many of today's plastic materials used to make straps are environmentally friendly and can be recycled, helping to reduce waste.
In conclusion, plastic cow tagging leg straps provide an effective agricultural solution that provides safety, convenience and efficient animal tracking. Their innovative features make them an essential tool for modern herd management, combining animal welfare with increased production efficiency.

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