Rubber rings for castration

In agriculture, looking after livestock welfare is a priority to ensure productivity and improve the quality of livestock production. One of the methods for managing livestock and improving Meat quality iscastration , and rubber rings have become an effective tool in this process.

Principle of operation

Rubber castration rings are elastic, durable rings that fit onto the testicles of young male farm animals. These rings create pressure, obstructing blood circulation and causing tissue death. The castration process using rubber rings is considered less invasive and more humane.

Advantages of Rubber Rings


1. Security

Rubber rings provide minimal risk of infection and bleeding, since the castration process occurs without direct intervention in the tissue.

2. Efficiency

Rings provide long-term effect. They leave the testicles under pressure, which ultimately leads to their death and the elimination of reproductive function.

3. Time saving

The rubber ring castration procedure takes less time compared to traditional methods.

4. Improving Meat Quality

Castration improves the quality of meat, making IT more tender and tasty.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

It is important to emphasize that the correct use of rubber rings for castration requires adherence to ethical standards and care for the animal. This includes performing the procedure as recommended by veterinarians, minimizing stress to the animal, and providing adequate pain relief.

Main Aspects of the Procedure


1. Choosing the Moment

Neutering is recommended early in the animal's development to minimize stress and promote faster healing.

2. Use of Painkillers

The use of numbing agents is an important aspect of the procedure, reducing discomfort for the animal.

3. Monitoring and Care

After castration, it is important to provide proper care to the animal, including monitoring healing and preventing possible complications.
Rubber castration rings are an effective and relatively gentler method of livestock management in agriculture. It is important that the procedure is carried out by experienced veterinarians and adheres to the highest standards of animal care and ethical principles.


1.Outer diameter - 13 mm.

2.Inner diameter - 5 mm.

3. Ring thickness - 4 mm.

4.Pack of 100 pieces.

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