Scientists deny the benefits of anti-aging creams

Anti-aging diets and creams that promise to slow down the aging process may be useless. This conclusion was reached by scientists from University College London, who conducted a study on nematodes (worms that have many similar genes to humans), reports the BBC.

The anti-aging cream, which was applied to the damaged tissues of the nematodes, did not affect the lifespan of the worms. According to the scientists' conclusions, presented in the journal Genes and Development, there is no evidence that such creams slow down the aging process.

The idea that this was possible at all appeared in 1956. Then the theory was put forward that aging is due to the accumulation of molecules damaged by superoxides circulating in the human body. This process is called oxidative stress.

IT was assumed that antioxidants reduce the effects of superoxides on the human body. University College experts believe that many of the studies aimed at proving this theory have been inconclusive. According to the Head of the study, Dr. David James, the underlying mechanisms of aging are still unknown, because the theory that existed for 50 years turned out to be incorrect. The scientist believes that a balanced diet can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis, but antioxidants cannot slow down or stop the aging process.

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