Russia lent US $2.3 billion in a month

Russia in August 2017 increased investment in US government bonds by $2.3 billion to $105.4 billion. This is evidenced by data from the US Treasury. Compared to August 2016, the portfolio of US bonds of the Russian Federation increased by $18 billion.
Russia currently ranks 14th among holders of US bonds. The leaders of this list in the last 10 years are China and Japan, to which the US owes 1.2 and 1.1 trillion dollars, respectively.
In addition to the above countries, Ireland, Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Switzerland, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Hong Kong and Taiwan are also among the largest US creditors.
In June, Reuters reported that the US Federal Reserve was supplying US authorities with confidential information about funds from foreign central banks, including the Bank of Russia. Immediately after Washington imposed personal sanctions on Russian businessmen in March 2014, the Russian Central Bank withdrew $115 billion from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
According to the Central Bank, Russia's total gold and foreign exchange reserves amounted to $423.3 billion as of mid-October.

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