For the first time in history, China outpaced the United States in terms of the number of rich

For the first time, China outperformed the United States in terms of the number of residents, who account for 10% of the world's wealth. This is stated in the annual study of the Swiss bank Credit Suisse.
According to Credit Suisse experts' calculations, 100 million people in China and 99 million in the USA can be included in this category.
At the same time, the number of millionaires in the United States is still significantly higher than China. In the U.S., about 18.6 million people have wealth of 1 million dollars, and in China there are 4.4 million people.
Credit Suisse estimates that 46.8 million people in the world owned more than $1 million as of the second half of 2019. The total fortune of the richest people in the world was estimated at 158.3 trillion dollars, which corresponds to 44% of the world's wealth.

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